Latest Correctional Security Operations Jobs at the Department of Correctional Services – Apply Now!
Latest Correctional Security Operations Jobs at the Department of Correctional Services – Apply Now! The Department of Correctional Services invites suitable applicants to apply for their Correctional Security Operations Vacancy. The closing date for applications is the 20th May 2024
- Closing Date: 20 May 2024
- Salary: R1 395 885 per annum, (all-inclusive package)
- Centre: National Head Office, Pretoria
- An undergraduate qualification (NQF level 7) in Security Management/Criminology/Behavioral Sciences or equivalent as recognized by SAQA.
- A certificate for entry into the Senior Management Services (SMS) obtained from the National School of Government (NSG) is compulsory and should be submitted prior to appointment.
- Five [5] years’ experience at a senior managerial level in a similar environment.
- Security clearance. Computer literacy. Valid driver’s licence.
Required Knowledge:
- Knowledge and understanding of the South African Criminal Justice System and the Correctional Services system and architecture.
- Understanding of public service policy and related legislative framework (Public Service Act and Regulations, Public Finance Management Act, with emphasis on the Correctional Service Act 111 of 1998 as amended).
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Competencies And Attributes:
- DCS/public service management knowledge.
- Policy development and analysis. Knowledge and understanding of security management dynamics.
- Intelligence and counter-intelligence operations and analysis.
- Diplomacy and negotiation skills. Risk management.
- Strategic management and capability. Programme and project management.
- Provide leadership and strategic direction within the chief directorate.
- Develop strategies, policies, procedures and frameworks to ensure alignment with business plan of the department.
- Ensure implementation and monitoring of the operational plans in line with the departmental strategic plan.
- Ensure safe and secure DCS facilities and provide security standards services with respect to DCS.
- Ensure that sufficient and effective emergency support team services are available in correctional centres to support officials in their duties in order to create a safe environment for both inmates and officials.
- Manage the creation and maintenance of a national operational centre.
- Manage the effective capacitation and management of emergency support teams.
- Manage stakeholder relations. Management of liaison in relation to client expectations (internal & external).
- Effectively participate in cluster programs (NatJOINTS etc).
- Manage correctional programmes rendered in the department.
- Ensure that correctional programmes are rendered effectively in the department.
- Develop policies based on the national guidelines practices, procedures and policies and ensure the implementation thereof.
- Management of risks within the chief directorate.
- Develop action plans to mitigate the identified risks.
- Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the control measures in place.
- Management of human resources, finance, assets and performance information.
Applications must be submitted on the new Z83 form (Public Service application form) obtainable here and must be completed in full. Only a detailed CV should be attached to your application form.
Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies not older than 6 months of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview.” Please send a separate and complete application for each post you apply for, stating the correct reference for each position you are interested in. Faxed and emailed applications will not be accepted.
Applications must reach DCS before the closing date and time. It is the sole responsibility of an applicant to ensure that their application reaches DCS before 20th May 2024 @ 15h45..
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Indicate the reference number, Regional Office, Management Area and position you are applying for on your application form (Z83) and post your complete application to the relevant addresses as indicated below:
NATIONAL HEAD OFFICE: Department of Correctional Services, Post Advertisement Section, Private Bag X136, Pretoria, 0001 OR
hand deliver at: 124 WF Nkomo Street, Poyntons Building, Cnr WF Nkomo and Sophie De Bruyn Street, Pretoria, 0001 (Previous: Cnr Church and Schubart Street).
Contact persons: Ms TP Baloyi 012 305 8589 / Ms Khumalo NS 012 307 2174/ 2089. The
Department of Correctional Services reserves the right not to fill any of these advertised posts.